
Mission Statement

I'm a Christian man overwhelmed by the need for strong men in tough times. My Church has launched a Men's ministry to help fill this need. The purpose for this ministry is to challenge and support men to a closer walk with God and to an openness that will allow a brokenness that will better enable men to be obedient to God's will and to His Word. There are men in the church who live a vibrant and intimate life for God. These need to show others The Way and be true leaders of The Fellowship (of God). There are others who are coasting. Sadly, when the coasting stops, there is always the possibility and more of a probability of rolling backwards and what a tragedy that can be. Still others have never truly felt God once. These men are the reason to show the power God can give us and be true Sons of God, to fulfill the Great Commission. We fully realize we can do nothing in and of ourselves to help men in these situations. However, with God's help we can provide opportunities like The Fellowship of The Way groups. The Men of The Way is where men from all walks of life, social status, denominations, color, and backgrounds can come humble themselves to ask themselves the tough questions. 1. Have I spent adequate time in prayer and bible study this week? 2. Have I made my family a priority? 3. Do any of my financial dealings lack integrity? 4. Have I processed any pornography or sexually explicit material this week? 5. Have I been with a woman (other than my wife)in what might have appeared to be a compromising situation? 6. Have I done anything, ANYTHING for or against my calling this week? 7. Have I just lied on any of these questions? (adapted from Chuck Swindoll) Here is our key verse: I Corinthians 16:13-14 "Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, ACT LIKE A MAN, be strong. Let all that you do be done in Love." (NAS) I finally realized that being a strong man was being Christ-like, and that's what matters, being like Christ. Jesus was a guy! We do not want to replace any existing ministry or infringe on family time. Neither do we want to take away from responsibilities or teaching and preaching we need to hear. But we do want unite the men in our Church, our Community, our World to be more Christ-like. I pray you will join and promote this ministry in your church. A man, not pastor or director will rise up, like Paul, and run this gauntlet with a band of brothers. Just like Christ.

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